Kingdom Leadership

Jesus came to earth to bring the Kingdom of God to our planet.

Jesus' mission was two-fold. 1) He died for the sins of mankind to take back what the kingdom of darkness stole and paid the penalty of sin to release the kingdom of God on earth. As He was doing this, Jesus constantly proclaimed the good news of the kingdom of God.

2) He developed a leadership team who would take his kingdom principles and multiply it through others by making disciples who proclaim the good news of the kingdom. In Mark before Jesus left earth, He commissioned the disciples to go into all the world, and proclaim the good news of the kingdom, the Gospel to all mankind!

Kingdom leaders can build their foundation on two big rocks. 1) We are called to proclaim the good news of the kingdom to ourselves and to everyone we come in contact with. Jesus called us to be the light of the world. A crucial marker of sharing the Gospel is that we live it out first, our lives reflecting the fullness of the Gospel. When the Holy Spirit leads us, we share this truth with those we encounter. 

In Matthew before He ascended to heaven, Jesus commissioned the disciples to go forth in His power and authority, and build the kingdom leaders who continue in this mandate.

The second big rock for kingdom leaders is this: develop other kingdom leaders and teach them how to walk in their full Gospel authority and power.

Jesus would not call us to this mission if He wasn’t fully prepared to equip us to lead others and multiply his message and His messengers.

The vision is too great to not become a part of it! The calling is so large it begs a response. Jesus has called you to be a kingdom leader! Where Jesus calls, He will prepare. Are you prepared to step into your destiny to be a kingdom leader who multiplies His message and messengers? Are you willing to allow Jesus to be your leader and you follow Him? Are you willing to die to yourself and your dreams and desires to pick up His cross? Anything less than living out His dream and mission is subpar. Don’t settle for what the world has to offer. Don’t settle for merely accepting Jesus as your savior, but not as your King with His kingdom.

Kingdom leaders are also the best followers because they follow Jesus, and Jesus leads them. Jesus was the greatest leader of all time; therefore, we are the greatest followers of all time. While times have definitely changed, the ancient path hasn't. Jesus invites you to choose a disciple who helps you disciple others. 

I have helped hundreds of people discover their true Kingdom identity and live out their God-given calling. I follow proven Biblical leadership pathways to help discover your full kingdom potential. Please don't settle for anything less than God's best in your life. Praying for you! Please contact me for more information.

Please contact me and let's talk about options to grow your Kingdom Leadership.