Product List

LEADERSHIP: Identify and prioritize 3 initiatives that will make your business more money.


When a company’s mission statement and guiding principles are simple and memorable they are more likely to be acted on and the mission is more likely to be completed.


LEADERSHIP: Business on a Mission

To create a sense of alignment and purpose, organizations need a strong Mission Statement. When a company’s Mission Statement and Guiding Principles are simple and memorable they are more likely to be acted on and the mission is more likely to be completed.

One-on-One or Team Coaching

Session 1: Conduct a Needs Assessment and Introduce the Framework

Session 2: Create a Mission Statement

Session 3: Create Key Characteristics and Critical Actions

Session 4: Review and Refine the Mission Statement and Guiding Principles Package

Session 5: Get Your Team on Board

Session 6: Evaluate Progress and Agree on Next Steps

Total # of Sessions: 6

Session Length: 1 hour

Frequency: Weekly or Bi-Weekly

Workshop For a Group

Session Length: 1 day

Frequency: Once — Virtual or In-Person

Group Size: 5-25 People

LEADERSHIP: Hero on a Mission

Creating a life plan and using a productivity system will also prevent burnout. The Hero on a Mission Life Plan and Daily Planner will help provide a greater sense of purpose and meaning in life.

One-on-One or Team Coaching

Session 1: Write your Eulogy

Session 2: Create a Life Plan

Session 3: Implementation

Session 4: Implementation

Session 5: Monitor Progress and Provide Coaching

Session 6: Provide Coaching Evaluate Progress and Agree on Next Steps

Total # of Sessions: 6

Session Length: 1 hour

Frequency: Weekly or Bi-Weekly

Workshop For a Group

Session Length: 1 day

Frequency: Once — Virtual or In-Person

Group Size: 5-25 People

LEADERSHIP: Communication Made Simple

Being able to communicate well is a not-so-secret superpower and when leaders can engage a reader or an audience, they push the objectives of the organization forward with force.

One-on-One or Team Coaching

Session 1: Conduct a Needs Assessment

Session 2: The Communication Made Simple Framework

Session 3: The Communication Made Simple Framework

Session 4: Implementation

Session 5: Monitor Progress and Provide Coaching

Session 6: Provide Coaching Evaluate Progress and Agree on Next Steps

Total # of Sessions: 6

Session Length: 1 hour

Frequency: Weekly or Bi-Weekly

Workshop For a Group: How to Write a Great Speech

Session Length: 1 Day

Frequency: Once — Virtual or In-Person

Group Size: 5-25 People

Keynote or Training For a Group: Everyone Communicates Few Connect

Session Length: 1-4 Hours

Frequency: Once — Virtual or In-Person

Group Size: 5-25 People

LEADERSHIP: Negotiation Made Simple

We’re negotiating all the time whether we realize it or not. Without a negotiation framework to follow, we put a lot at risk.

One-on-One or Team Coaching

Session 1: Conduct a Needs Assessment and Introduce the Framework

Session 2: Coach and Prepare for a Real-Life Negotiation

Session 3: Provide Coaching Evaluate Progress and Agree on Next Steps

Total # of Sessions: 3

Session Length: 1 hour

Frequency: Weekly or Bi-Weekly

LEADERSHIP: Developing the Leader Within You 2.0

In Developing the Leader Within You 2.0, you will successfully learn and understand:

  • Influence – using the 5 Levels of Leadership as a roadmap to influence others
  • Character – embracing good ethics, practicing self-leadership, and valuing people
  • Service – asking eight questions to develop into a leader who serves others daily
  • Vision – including eight components when painting a vision for your people so they can experience it

These foundational principles provides wisdom to help any leader and organization succeed in fostering integrity, self-discipline, and effecting positive change.

One-on-One or Team Coaching

Session 1: The Definition of Leadership: Influence 

Session 2: The Key to Leadership: Priorities 

Session 3: The Foundation of Leadership: Character 

Session 4: The Ultimate Test of Leadership: Creating Positive 

Session 5: The Quickest Way to Gain Leadership: Problem Solving 

Session 6: The Extra Plus in Leadership: Attitude

Session 7: The Heart of Leadership: Serving People 

Session 8: The Indispensable Quality of Leadership: Vision  

Session 9: The Price Tag of leadership: Self-Discipline Total # of

Sessions: 9

Session Length: 1 hour

Frequency: Weekly or Bi-Weekly

Keynote or Training For a Group

Session length: 1-8 Hours

Frequency: Once — Virtual or In-Person

Group Size: 5-25 People

LEADERSHIP: Maxwell Leadership DISC Personality Indicator

What if you could tap into your greatest motivations and dramatically improve your relationships and accelerate your results?

The DISC personality test is one of the most common tests used in business – for good reason. There are many benefits for both individuals and teams.



Conflict resolution



Customer service


One-on-One or Team Coaching

Session 1: Debrief and Discuss Report

Session 2: Create A PDP (Personal Development Plan)

Session 3: Coaching to The PDP

Includes Maxwell DISC Personality Indicator Report

Sessions: 3

Session Length: 1 hour

Frequency: Weekly or Bi-Weekly

Keynote or Training For a Group

Session length: 1-4 Hours

Frequency: Once — Virtual or In-Person

Group Size: 5-25 People

MARKETING: Create a marketing funnel to generate consistent business and predictable cash flow.

Marketing: StoryBrand Messaging Framework (Create a BrandScript)

The only thing harder than creating a product people want is coming up with the words to describe the product. Many business leaders are sitting on an inventory of products they know solve their customers’ problems but they don’t know how to talk about their product so it flies off the shelves.

One-on-One or Team Coaching

Session 1: Conduct a Needs Assessment & Introduce the StoryBrand Messaging Framework

Session 2: Create a BrandScript Part 1

Session 3: Create a BrandScript Part 2

Session 4: Evaluate Progress and Agree on Next Steps

Total # of Sessions: 4

Session Length: 1 hour

Frequency: Weekly or Bi-Weekly

Workshop For a Group

Session Length: 1 1/2 day

Frequency: Once — Virtual or In-Person

Group Size: 5-25 People

Marketing: Marketing Made Simple

When customers are invited into a story they pay more attention to the brand, make purchases, and have the talking points they need to tell others about those products and services.

Installing a marketing sales funnel is the best way to help your clients make themselves familiar to customers and earn their trust.

One-on-One or Team Coaching

Session 1: Installing Your BrandScript

Session 2: 3 Stages of a Relationship 

Session 3: Create a Sales Funnel That Supports a Single Controlling Idea 

Session 4: Wire Frame a Website That Generates Sales 

Session 5: Create a Lead Generator That Attracts Qualified Leads 

Session 6: Send Automated Emails That Earn Trust and Build Familiarity 

Session 7: Monitor Progress, Provide Coaching

Session 8: Monitor Progress, Provide Coaching

Session 9:Monitor Progress, Provide Coaching, and Identify

Next Steps

Total # of Sessions: 9

Session Length: 1 hour

Frequency: Weekly or Bi-Weekly

SALES: Create a Sales conversation that will help you and your team confidently close more deals without being salesy.

Sales: The Customer is the Hero

Stop Selling and Invite Customers into a Story. A great salesperson is not someone who is only interested in selling a product but rather someone who is interested in making their customers’ lives better.

One-on-One or Team Coaching

Session 1: Create a SalesScript

Session 2:  Conduct a Needs Assessment & Introduce The Customer is the Hero Sales Framework

Session 3: Evaluate Progress and Agree on Next Steps

Total # of Sessions: 3

Session Length: 1 hour

Frequency: Weekly or Bi-Weekly

Sales Keynote / Training

Session length: 1-3 Hours

Frequency: Once — Virtual or In-Person

Session Length: 1 day

Group Size: 5-25 People

Workshop For a Group

Session Length: 1 day

Frequency: Once — Virtual or In-Person

Group Size: 5-25 People

PRODUCTS: Perform profitability audits and install product briefs to ensure your product offering is highly lucrative.

Products: Create Profitable Products

For businesses, their products should be profitable and in demand. The Product Optimization Playbook teaches business owners to vet and accurately determine the viability of new products, as well as, install a process to audit the profitability of the ones they already have.

One-on-One or Team Coaching

Session 1: Create a Product Brief

Session 2: Conduct a Product Profitability

Session 3: Evaluate Progress and Implement a Plan of Action

Total # of Sessions: 3

Session Length: 1 hour

Frequency: Weekly or Bi-Weekly

Workshop For a Group

Session Length: 3 Hours

Frequency: Once — Virtual or In-Person

Group Size: 5-25 People

OPERATIONS: Install a management and productivity system that will keep your operation costs low and your productivity levels high.

Overhead and Operations: Management and Productivity Made Simple

Installing the Management and Productivity Made Simple Playbook is going to allow you to run your small business using only five meetings. That may sound like a lot but the great news is these five meetings will replace almost all of your other meetings, as well as all those late-night phone calls, emails, and text messages.

One-on-One or Team Coaching

Session 1: Conduct a Needs Assessment & Introduce the Management and Productivity Made Simple Playbook

Session 2: Create a Playbook Implementation Plan

Session 3: The All-Staff Meeting

Session 4: The Leadership Meeting

Session 5: The Department Stand-up

Session 6: Personal Priority Speed Check

Session 7: Quarterly Performance Review

Session 8-11: Review and Adjust Playbook Implementation

Session 12: Evaluate Progress and Agree on Next Steps

Total # of Sessions: 12

Session Length: 1 hour

Frequency: Weekly or Bi-Weekly

This Product Can Take Up to One Full Fiscal Quarter to Install

Workshop For a Group

Session Length: 1 day

Frequency: Once — Virtual or In-Person

Group Size: 5-25 People

CASH FLOW: Learn to use 5 checking accounts so you can manage your finances with zero confusion or stress.

Cash Flow Made Simple

As small businesses grow, their finances become more and more complicated. Small-Business Cash Flow Made Simple will help your clients install a simple and effective way of managing money as it comes into the company.

One-on-One or Team Coaching

Session 1: Small-Business Cash Flow Made Simple Playbook

Session 2: Monitor Progress, Provide Coaching, and Identify Next StepsImplement a Plan of Action

Total # of Sessions: 2

Session Length: 1 hour

Frequency: Weekly or Bi-Weekly


Workshop For a Group

Session Length: 2 1/2 Hours

Frequency: Once — Virtual or In-Person

Group Size: 5-25 People